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Results for "keyword: "Travel", latest_content: 1"
The Joy of Old Age "At 80, one can take in the long view and have a vivid, lived sense of history not possible at an earlier age," writes Oliver Sacks, professor of neurology at the N.Y.U. School of Medicine and the a…
On Not Reclining Your Seat Many of us have experienced a coarsening at all levels of society. Who hasn't been dismayed by the rudeness on the streets, the disregard of the comfort of others in public places, the rage which fl…
Spiritual Progress Literary Wisdom You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars: you have a right to be here. — Max Ehrmann, American writer and poet
Grateful for Government I suppose it's natural to think about what we are not getting from our government; after all, the scientists tell us that the brain has a negativity bias. Taking in the news, we become aware of all …
My Legs: I Move & Therefore I Am! As a child filled with energy, my legs carried me to the baseball field where I usually played center field because of my speed. As a boy I loved to run and my legs would oblige me, helping me b…
Gloves, Trucks, and Camouflage: How Has Technology Altered the Way We View Ourselves? By Olivia Bailey, for KidSpirit's The Speed of Now Issue Media: today’s version of a synthetic reality that people are readily willing to accept as truth. Face-to-face conversations are…
The Nature in Me By Nargis Kachrumathur for KidSpirit's Nature issue. My relationship with nature has always been an odd one; sometimes I appreciate its beauty and benefits, while sometimes I despise things ab…
The Mystery of Life  Literary Wisdom Life for me is a profound, a sacred, a joyous, a mysterious, a soulful dance. — Anais Nin, French-Cuban-American diarist and novelist
Elders with Time to Experiment There comes a time when Baby Boomers realize that they are no longer the youngest clients at a favorite resort, restaurant, or health club. In an article in The New York Times, Michele Willens write…
A Good Name for God Proverb Enjoy yourself, it's later than you think. — Chinese Proverb Mantra May life wonder me. — Pennsylvania Dutch Saying